Leitstellen App
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Bei der Leitstellen App handelt es sích um ein Auskunftssystem für Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst, Katastrophenschutz und Polizei über die nicht-polizeilichen Leitstellen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Sie verzeichnet die Kontaktdaten der jeweiligen Leitstellen mit ihren Zuständigkeitsbereichen.
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Will be, at Tiffany's ' Headline Broadway, cross your fingersThe ill-fated 1966 musical stage adaptation, with a young Mary Tyler Moore is one of the most famous flops in Broadway history. The production will be closed before it even officially opened, only four run Preview performances at the Majestic Theatre in New York download Leitstellen App free android app . ,, boring evening The musical, which also went by the name producer David Merrick know, declares that he is not to subject someone a welcome Holly Golightly, a book by Edward Albee, who was off hot from Who's Afraid featured of Virginia The songs were from Funny Girl composer Bob Merrill. - Breakfast in 1958 in 1958 and in 1961 became a hit movie starring Audrey Hepburn was shot, the story follows the somewhat amoral. Adventures of a young New York society.
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